Our Senior Pastors

Pastors Corey & Kimberly Sanders are the bold, encouraging, life-giving senior pastors of 122 Church. Pastor Corey comes from a ministry background as the spiritual son of a pastor while Pastor Kim comes from a family led to Christ by her sister in Detroit, MI. Despite their vastly different backgrounds, they share this same passion: to see people discover their God-given destiny and united to their purpose. They have given their lives to helping others find fulfillment. Between the two of them, they have over 20 years of ministry experience. Before 122 Church, Pastor Corey and Kim served on the Executive Team at House of Prayer & Praise Church for over 15 years.

Despite Pastor Kim being a Detroit Lions fan and Pastor Corey declaring that the The Saints are God’s favorite team, they are happily married. Currently, they reside in Eastpointe, MI, with their two children Cameron Joshua and Caleb Jordan.

Our executive team

The 12:2 Executive Team, (AAA) are determined to build a generation of world changers who are commissioned to impact the community and the world.

Their commitment to marriages, building healthy leaders, redefining church and the next generation are evident in everything they do.

Executive Team

Temi Pope

Executive Director
First Impressions

Temi Pope

Executive Director

Temi Pope

Executive Director